Discover the awesome world of cellulose! Cellutech, a research company that develops new cutting edge materials based on Swedish forest. I teamed up with Cellutech to translate research into clear pictures, so everyone can take part in their important message.
Voice Actor
Jan Cramer
Zing Audio
Direction & Production
Owe Martirez
Discover the awesome world of cellulose! Cellutech, a research company that develops new cutting edge materials based on Swedish forest. I teamed up with Cellutech to translate research into clear pictures, so everyone can take part in their important message.
Voice Actor
Jan Cramer
Zing Audio
Direction & Production
Owe Martirez
Discover the awesome world of cellulose! Cellutech, a research company that develops new cutting edge materials based on Swedish forest. I teamed up with Cellutech to translate research into clear pictures, so everyone can take part in their important message.
Voice Actor
Jan Cramer
Zing Audio
Direction & Production
Owe Martirez